By 2015, LicenseLogix had grown to be one of the most trusted business licensing and compliance companies in the United States over the past few years. With the amount of success and the relocation to a newer (and larger office), they felt as if a rebranding of their website and adjustments to their brand messaging was in order.
Emphasizing that their services were not only limited to large enterprises, but for small business owners as well, was LicenseLogix’s primary request. It was also important that their potential clients felt as though they would have a lot less paperwork to deal with because they would handle it all for them.
With the brand positioning and messaging upgrades done by The Gigawatt Group, I took creative license in designing a modern new homepage with .NET based Orchard CMS that provides two entryways to separate portals designated for small businesses and large enterprises. This provides an easy way for visitors to find information on services catered to their business size.
The flyout box in the header gives a brief description of their licensing services and provides a quick link to get more information about the service. The database containing their extensive business licensing information was integrated into the new site with a bit of re-organization on the backend for ease of searching.

LicenseLogix is now part of Wolters Kluwer’s CT Corporation
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